Jung - The Aims of Psychotherapy
The Aims of Psychotherapy "If we were to exclude [Freud's] opinions as simply wrong and worthless... we should be doing violence to our own empirical material. The wide approval of which greeted Freud's explanation of the neuroses in terms of sexual causation, and his view that the happenings in the psyche turn essentially upon infantile pleasure and its satisfaction, should be instructive to the psychologist. It shows him that this manner of thinking and feeling coincides with a relatively widespread tendency or spiritual current which, quite apart from Freud's theory, has appeared in other places, in other circumstances, in various minds and in different forms. I should call it a manisfestation of the collective psyche." (page 57) "It is undeniable that a great many people find satisfaction in explaining their troubles in terms of an urge to power arising from a sense of inferiority." (page 57) "It would be an unpardonable error to overlook the el...